Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Cast

Hanc, the Ranger
Sheiila, the Thief
Presto, the Magician
Bobby, the Barbarian
Eric, the Caviler

Dungeon Master says....

Before you stands a stout man of some years. He looks at you appraisingly.  Beside you stand several indistinct shapes.  They are certainly humanoid, some tall, some small but all formless and ephemeral.

Welcome Adventurers!

You have found yourselves in the land of Dungeons and Dragons Online! Before I set you free to perform great service for the worthies of Stormreach, there are several rules you must learn to abide.

First, you must follow the rules of Creation (Character Creation).  You will be required to choose your path and adhere to it!
  1. All builds will be modeled after the main characters of the D&D Animated Series. They are:
  2. Each build will fill a primary party role:
    • Hank = DPS/Ranged
    • Diana = Trapper
    • Presto = Casters / Buffs
    • Bobby = Tank
    • Eric = Healer / Buffs
  3. Each player must play a class they have not played before
    • Bonus if they also play a race they have not played before.
  4. Builds can be made pure or with splashes, as long as the primary class is of their assigned role (i.e. Rogue for "trapper").
  5. All builds can be 32 points but no higher (i.e. no TRs)
  6. All players must start their new builds at Level 1, and head to Korthos Island ("it is all a dream").
    • Go through the starting intro quest on Korthos Island on your own. This should be done before we all play together. Just get to the island and stop.
  7. All characters will be guilded into The Red Scare after leaving Korthos Islands (invites will likely be sent to their mail).
Dungeon Master pauses while you absorb his comments.   Slowly, you feel your own form solidify into that of your chosen path.  Around you, you see the shapes take on form and substance!

Now, young adventurers, let me present to you the Rules within which you must operate (
Rules for Play).  These rules may not be bent or broken.  To do so will invalidate all of your efforts and possibly disrupt the very balance of the ddoniverse.

This is a static group in a world where we are the only real adventures. Therefor you are not allow to do certain things.
  1. You cannot use the Auction House to buy or trade items.
  2. You can buy items items off of individuals selling them "in the street." This includes:
    • Anyone using the auction channel (we will pretend they are on a box selling their wares) 
    • All brokers.
  3. You can trade any items or money between these characters.
  4. Items acquired by all other characters you own may not be traded to this group. This also means you cannot use the shared bank for these toons, not even as extra storage (it does not exist).
    • This rule is 100% in effect until we reach level 20, and which point there will be a chance to move things off this character (but still not onto it).
  5. If you find an item in a chest that is better for someone else in the group, you agree to offer it to them first. Their is no reason to keep a wand if you are not going to use it, since it cannot be traded to your other toons (I know this one goes without saying, but I wanted to make it official).
  6. There is no use of XP, Slayer, or Loot boosts… ever! If these characters find them you may store them until you reach level 20, at which time you can hand them off to your other characters.
  7. You cannot buy Resurrection Cakes from the DDO Store for these characters. You can use any cakes you find.
    • The only exception is your "quest reward" cake from Korthos island. You only get the one buy, from now until lvl 20.
  8. You can use the ship buffs (the ship is the MAGICAL gift that Dungeon Master gave us. However, this does not mean we will always have access to it (see below).
  9. There will be a small guild chest for these characters ONLY in the ship. Feel free to place things into it for storage, but know that if it stays there too long we may sell it for the betterment of the group (i.e. for Res Scrolls).
Again, Dungeon Master pauses purposefully. Only to continue moments later imparting more wisdom.

Finally, you must understand the constraints on what you may do in my realm (Questing Rules):
  1. All quests must basically be done in order of level, starting with the level 1 quests on Korthos Island.
    • We can use the quest (P) list to determine what to do next if we are unsure. Just sort by level.
  2. If a quest chain is started, we must play it to completion until we move onto another quest.
  3. If we head to another land (using a Farshifter) we are their until finished with that adventure area.
    • This means no going back to Stormreach, or our ship, until our work in this land is complete (Raids do not count toward this, since it is not always easy for us to make a raid happen).
    • Before traveling to some places, we will need to make sure we have all the gear we need.
    • Once all the quests in an area are completed, we can leave and return at any time.
  4. We will get all explorers in a zone, for ADVENTURE!
  5. We can rerun anything we want once we have done the whole chain/area at least once.
  6. Quests can be started at any difficulty, but we cannot farm/window/repeat.
    1. Exception is if we fail we can try again. 
Dungeon Master pauses a final time.  He looks each of you in the eye. You get the distinct impression he likes what he sees.  With a smirk and a wink, he concludes,

Good luck Adventurers.  You are certainly going to need it.

He turns on his heel and disappears into the mists before you can ask anymore questions.  The next thing you become aware of is the feeling of sand in your mouth and an annoyingly loud squeaky voice asking "Can you can hear me?".  Is that the sound of waves crashing on a shore?